Sunny Kang

Sunny lived most of her life in Southern California, met & married Barry there. In June 2010 Barry, Sunny and their two boys (Caleb and Micah) along with six team members moved to Boston to plant Symphony Church.  Sunny has worked in various roles in the education sector for over 20 years and is currently a math professor at Bunker Hill Community College (remember Good Will Hunting?). Sunny leads a a group of passionate Worship Team members who love worshiping and leading others into worship. She always says that given the choice, she would rather worship with her church, than the most famous worship team in the world! Another area of ministry that Sunny feels passionate about is inspiring women to courageously partner with God in their own faith journeys.

In her spare time, she loves cooking up a storm & having people over for a meal, meeting up with friends over coffee, going out on dinner dates with her husband, and playing Nertz with her competitive family.