About Hannah

Hannah grew up in San Jose, CA and started attending Symphony Church when she moved to Boston for college. She will be graduating from Boston University in May 2024 with a B.S. in Health Sciences and will attend nursing school upon her return from Japan. She enjoys going on runs, finding good coffee/matcha with friends, cooking, and grocery shopping.

Ever since Hannah’s life was transformed by God’s love when she was a sophomore in high school, her greatest desire and joy is to see people experience the love of God. As God refined her through all of the ups and downs of her college years, she was reminded of the simplicity and the beauty of the Gospel and wants to obey and love God more and more. Hannah hopes and envisions the eyes and hearts of the Japanese people being open to receiving Jesus!

Prayer Requests
  1. That God would continue to soften the hearts of the Japanese people so that they may receive the truth of the Gospel of Jesus and be transformed by His love
  2. For wisdom and God’s guidance for their team as they continue preparing for their church plant
  3. That she would be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit and obey, completely yielding to Him and allowing the truth and love of Jesus to continue doing a transformative work in her life